Enum radius_type

Enum Documentation

enum class cif::radius_type

An enum used to select the desired radius for an atom. All values are collected from the wikipedia pages on atom radii


enumerator calculated

Calculated radius from theoretical models.

enumerator empirical

Empirically measured covalent radii.

enumerator covalent_empirical


It is a bit unclear where these values came from. So, better not use them

enumerator single_bond

Bond length for a single covalent bond calculated using statistically analysis.

enumerator double_bond

Bond length for a double covalent bond calculated using statistically analysis.

enumerator triple_bond

Bond length for a triple covalent bond calculated using statistically analysis.

enumerator van_der_waals

Radius of an imaginary hard sphere representing the distance of closest approach for another atom.

enumerator type_count

Number of radii.