Class fill_out_streambuf

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public std::streambuf

Class Documentation

class fill_out_streambuf : public std::streambuf

A streambuf that fills out lines with spaces up until a specified width.

Public Functions

inline fill_out_streambuf(std::ostream &os, int width = 80)

Construct a new fill out streambuf object based on ostream os and a width to fill out to of width.

inline virtual int_type overflow(int_type ic = traits_type::eof())

The magic happens here. Write out a couple of spaces when the last character to write is a newline to make the line as wide as the requested width.

inline std::streambuf *get_upstream() const

Return the upstream streambuf

inline int get_line_count() const

Return how many lines have been written